Three decades-long partnership reaffirmed as University of Leicester hosts China delegation

The University of Leicester has welcomed a delegation from the Chongqing Municipal People’s Government, led by Vice Mayor Mr Dan […]

Study seeks to tackle widening health inequalities observed in children with type 1 diabetes

The reasons why children and young people with type 1 diabetes from ethnic minority groups or living in low socioeconomic […]

Weight re-gained after weight loss results in less muscle, more fat, study finds

A Leicester study that measured the fat mass and fat-free (muscle) mass of dieters suggests that weight loss followed by […]

UK-born UK healthcare workers more likely to report multiple long-term health conditions than those born overseas

UK healthcare workers born in the UK are significantly more likely to report having multiple long-term health conditions than migrant […]

Liquid biopsy research wins best presentation

A study that tested a new approach to analysing circulating tumour cells (CTCs) in patients with breast cancer, with the […]

Leicester experts lead space industry talks at Conservative Party Conference

The University of Leicester’s key role in the growth of the UK space industry was outlined at a high-profile panel discussion at this week’s Conservative Party Conference.

Leicester BRC – New exercise app using space data aims to help those with long-term health conditions.

A personalised new exercise app for people with long-term health conditions including heart and lung disease and diabetes is set to be piloted by researchers from the University of Leicester, working within the NIHR Leicester BRC.

Leicester BRC – New study shows link between health-related quality of life reduction and increased risk from heart failure

A new study carried out by researchers from the Leicester BRC has suggested there is strong link between a reduction in health-related quality of life (HRQoL) and increased rates of hospital admission and death from heart failure.