Outcome of Tender Exercise: Mental Health Crisis House to Change Provider in November 2024

Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust’s mental health crisis house will be changing provider from Turning Point to Richmond Fellowship on 1 November 2024. This follows a rigorous tender exercise concluding in September 2023.
We want to thank the existing provider Turning Point for being valued partners in the provision of our current crisis house. We are committed to ensuring a safe and effective transition plan is in place working closely with both providers, putting patient safe and quality of care at the forefront.
Richmond Fellowship is a national mental health charity whose services have pioneered work with individuals, communities, and families to overcome mental ill health and support people on their recovery journeys, including the managing of crisis houses. We look forward to developing this new partnership over the next year and beyond.
What happens next?
We want to reassure you that there will be a robust transition plan in place and that there will be no change to the existing service with Turning Point during this period. The Crisis House will remain a safe and therapeutic environment for immediate mental health crisis support, focused on on-going recovery, building support networks and preventing future crises. It will remain accessible for 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for the population of Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland providing facilities for service users to stay overnight for short periods of up to 7 nights, as an alternative to hospital admission. It is an integral part of the mental health Urgent Care and Access Pathway.
The service will continue to be accessible via referral from the Crisis resolution and Home Treatment Team, and will continue to provide a range of support to best meet the needs of service users, including:
- Information, advice and support about interventions available both within and outside of the service
- A place of sanctuary at the point of crisis
- Listening and one to one support
- Support to develop an individual Safety/Recovery Plan or similar plan
- Signposting and support to access other agencies and services, to address the wider problems contributing to their crisis. This may include for example, information about benefits, third sector support groups, housing advice, mental health employment support services etc.
View the full news item Here