New annual report highlights impressive impacts to benefit patients through healthcare innovation

Health Innovation East Midlands is delighted to share its annual Impact Report for 2023-2024, which summarises how we support health and care systems and innovators, to adopt and spread innovations to benefit patients.
Through our work, we have managed to bring £51.4M value to the health, care and technology sector against funding of £4.99M. In addition to impacting 620,000 patients through our work and connecting with 5,065 attendees at our events and training sessions for innovators and health care professionals.
The report includes a range of case studies that demonstrate how we have helped teams across the East Midlands to:
- Find patients who need CVD services early and prevent heart attacks and strokes
- Provide safer care across maternity / neonatal services
- Spot health deterioration earlier and know what to do
- Enable in-patients to become more mobile more quickly
- Reduce the number of prescribed medicines taken inappropriately
- Change the way patients access pain management support
- Transform wound care services to speed up healing and see more patients
These areas highlight only a snapshot of what we can offer – we also work with innovators who can help systems and organisations to:
- Manage waiting lists
- Manage elective surgery / theatre flow
- Encourage patients to self-manage their care
- Improve training for their workforce
Are you accessing all the support that you can be to bring innovation into your organisation? Find out more about our support offers on our website. For any queries email [email protected]