Category: UofL News
University of Leicester News

BRC researchers awarded £14 million to expand research into the prevention and management of chronic disease through physical activity
More than £14 million has been awarded to the University of Leicester, which forms part of the NIHR Leicester BRC. to […]

Check out 16 Jan BBC Morning Live – filmed here at the NIHR Leicester BRC
Check out BBC’s Morning Live, 16 Jan 2024 from around 10 minutes in, to watch a feature on clinical trials […]

Multi-million-pound lifespan research project will look at why some people live longer than others in Leicestershire
University of Leicester researchers will be investigating why some people in the county live longer than others thanks to a […]

Leading light in auroras to give prestigious astronomy lecture
The spectacular light displays of the aurora borealis will be the focus of a prestigious lecture to be given by […]

Three decades-long partnership reaffirmed as University of Leicester hosts China delegation
The University of Leicester has welcomed a delegation from the Chongqing Municipal People’s Government, led by Vice Mayor Mr Dan […]

Study seeks to tackle widening health inequalities observed in children with type 1 diabetes
The reasons why children and young people with type 1 diabetes from ethnic minority groups or living in low socioeconomic […]

Weight re-gained after weight loss results in less muscle, more fat, study finds
A Leicester study that measured the fat mass and fat-free (muscle) mass of dieters suggests that weight loss followed by […]

UK-born UK healthcare workers more likely to report multiple long-term health conditions than those born overseas
UK healthcare workers born in the UK are significantly more likely to report having multiple long-term health conditions than migrant […]

Liquid biopsy research wins best presentation
A study that tested a new approach to analysing circulating tumour cells (CTCs) in patients with breast cancer, with the […]